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Starting school in Autumn 2025? Contact us on 01530 222489 to book a tour.
Thringstone Primary School


Talk 4 Writing

All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are taught Literacy skills through the Talk 4 Writing approach, developed by Pie Corbett and his team. Talk 4 Writing is an effective approach, based on the way that children learn best. Both fiction and non-fiction units follow the logical structure of imitating a text, in order to internalise the language structures needed, before participating in shared writing through the innovation stage, finally children write their own independent text. Talk 4 Writing ensures that children become familiar with the structure of texts across various genres. Children also develop an understanding of the tools writers use, and they can then utilise these in their own work. Talk for Writing lessons are active and engaging, allowing children the opportunity to develop their language skills within a meaningful and motivating context. 

Novel Approach

An appreciation for rich quality literature underpins the English and writing curriculum at Thringstone Primary School. Following on from Talk 4 Writing in Reception and Key Stage 1, as the children move into Key Stage 2, we adopt a Novel Approach. We help children to develop the knowledge and skills that will enable them to communicate effectively and promote a lifelong love of the written word and the English language. The National Curriculum English objectives are delivered through a carefully planned and sequenced progression of quality texts which form Novel Studies. These texts have been matched to each year group for their complexity in length, language structure or theme. By the time they leave Key Stage 2, pupils have had valuable exposure to a range of quality works of literature. Novel studies are planned to ensure children acquire the skills necessary to become confident readers and writers, able to communicate effectively both verbally and through written work. Furthermore, the curriculum actively promotes a love of reading for pleasure and development of skills and attributes beyond academic achievement. The careful selection of texts introduces children to cultural diversities, develops their ability to empathise with others and promotes curiosity. 


At Thringstone Primary School we want the children to develop effective spelling strategies. Each week the children will have specific lessons which teach the children phonemes, spelling rules and spelling patterns and these are then referred to throughout the week in other lessons where appropriate to enable the children to secure this knowledge. Please find below an overview for each year group, term by term, of these and also the statutory words the children are expected to be able to spell by the end of Year 6.

Year 2 Spelling Overview