Starting school in Autumn 2025? Contact us on 01530 222489 to book a tour with Mr Chapple.
Starting school in Autumn 2025? Contact us on 01530 222489 to book a tour with Mr Chapple.
Thringstone Primary School

Polar Bears

The teachers in Year 3/4 – Polar Bears are Mrs Kemp and Mrs Higgins. The children are also supported by some of our Learning Support Assistants.

At Thringstone we follow a topic and creative based curriculum, using year group objectives from the National Curriculum.  Throughout the year topics are varied to meet the objectives and maximise children’s interest and learning.

We have an open door policy where parents are welcome in school, and this helps forge close links with home.

We expect all children to read regularly at home each week and learn their number bonds and times tables. We also encourage children to carry out weekly homework where they apply their learning, understanding and skills.

Important things your child should have in school:
• A drinks bottle
• A PE bag consisting of any plain T-shirt, a pair of shorts, plimsolls
• A bag to carry a reading record and books
• Appropriate clothing for the weather

Please ensure all your child’s things are named as a lot of school clothing is the same.

Cheetahs have been busy this Autumn Term,
With lots of new facts and information to learn.
We’re striking the right chord in our ukulele lessons,
And have been lucky to hone our hockey skills in our PE sessions.
Describing one another in French has been fun,
And creating pizzas using ingredients grown at school was definitely yum!
We’ve selected effective materials for our soundproof investigations in Sound,
And through studying the Anglo Saxons and Vikings, many facts were found.
For Diwali we created lanterns of light with care,
Which lit up our classroom with a sparkly flare.
In forest schools, we found lots of baby toads,
And used logs and sticks to create a perfect abode.