Starting school in Autumn 2025? Contact us on 01530 222489 to attend one of our open events.
Starting school in Autumn 2025? Contact us on 01530 222489 to attend one of our open events.
Thringstone Primary School


The teachers  in Foundation Stage are Mrs Augustin and ​ Miss Taylor. The children are also support by some of our Learning Support Assistants.

In the Foundation Stage  we focus on making the children feel ‘at home’ by providing familiar games and activities with their friends. 

We experience the festivals of Diwali, Chinese New Year, Bonfire Night and Christmas, through making and tasting traditional foods, dressing up and role play. The children also develop their creative skills using a range of media producing: cards; lanterns; dragon masks; and paintings to music.

We enjoy exploring the local area and we have visited the church, post- box and woods to support our learning.

Important things your child should have in school:
• A drinks bottle
• A PE bag consisting of any plain T-shirt, a pair of shorts, plimsolls
• A bag to carry a reading record
• Appropriate clothing for the weather  (as we play outside every day whatever the weather!)

Please ensure all your child’s things are named as a lot of school clothing is the same.