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Starting school in Autumn 2025? Contact us on 01530 222489 to book a tour.
Thringstone Primary School

Our Curriculum

Our story

Thringstone Primary School is a single status academy in a small ex-mining village located on the outskirts of Coalville, Leicestershire. The school caters for children aged 4-11 with an on-site Pre-School taking 2-4 year olds (opened September 2019). The majority of the children who attend come from the villages of Thringstone and Whitwick with some travelling in from Coalville.

At Thringstone Primary School, we recognise that all schools have a unique context. Therefore, whilst we have an aligned vision and implementation structure for our curriculum, we encourage teachers to make some adaptations to this to meet the demographics of the pupils we serve and so that they can learn about their local context.

Curriculum Aims

At Thringstone, we want the curriculum to ensure that all the children in our school are able to Believe and Achieve Together, realising and reaching their potential by developing:

  • Knowledge and aspiration
  • Healthy hearts and minds
  • Identity and Diversity
  • Sustainability

Knowledge building and aspiration

At Thringstone, high aspiration is crucial to enable children to realise their full potential. We provide our pupils with a knowledge-rich curriculum to provide them with the cultural capital they need to succeed. As well as this, we provide relevant and inspirational examples to our children through our curriculum and in the school environment, so they can see what can be achieved.

Example: we have a knowledge-rich curriculum where knowledge and skills are carefully sequecnced to provide the children at Thringstone with the culutural capital needed to become responsible citezens of the future.

Healthy hearts and minds

Equipping our children with the knowledge and skills tolead a happy and healthy life is crucial. Poor mental health has a significant impact on life prospects and we recognise that children can be directly or indirectly affected. In an ever-changing, interconnected world, children face challenges with anxiety, either directly or resulting from adverse childhood experiences. By providing the children of Thringstone with the tools to recognise and improve their physical and mental well being they have the opporuntity to succeed in whatever they choose to do.

Example: We have a school counsellor, family liaison and family support officer to help with the mental health of our families. Our Years 6 children are peer mentors and been trained to support our younger children. We have also achieved the Platinum School Games Award and ensure all children have access to support in and outside of school.

Identity and diversity

As a small village primary school, we recognise the importance of teaching the children about the rch local herritage and history and how this has shaped where they live and the impact on the wider world. We also understand the importance of exposing our young people to a range of cultures and beliefs to help prepare them for life in modern Britain.  

Example: We learn about: Pallitoy, the Swannington Incline, Coal Minning, Charles Booth and Coalville during WW2. We celebrate diversity through a well considered reading spine and curriculum where children learn about different cultures, religions and engage with children from different backgrounds through the link school project.


Located in the National Forest and with nature just on our doorstep we feel it is more important than every that the children of Thringstone recognise the importance of looking after their environment and how we can work towards a sustainable future.

Example: we have an Eco Warriors Team in school. In English, Year 6 study a range of endangered animals from across the global and create a discussion on whether they should be saved.


At Thringstone, we have developed a carefully sequenced knowledge-rich curriculum providing a core curriuclum offer. It is organised into single subject progression with plans that outline the  learning for each year group. Each subject's currciulum design has fidelity to the aims and purpose of the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework and National Curriculum (2014). We want our children to be happy and secure. We want them to love learning and embrace challenge.  We believe that the purpose of education is to nurture responsible citizens of the future and to enable them to make a positive contribution to society and care for the wider world.  Our curriculum is designed to inspire ambition in our pupils, to broaden their horizons and empower them, with the knowledge and skills, to achieve success in their future lives.

We have designed a broad, balanced curriculum that:

  • provides clear progression in subject knowledge and skills​ and enables children to gain deep understanding and sustained mastery as they move through school. 
  • is filled with rich, first-hand, purposeful experiences​ that excite, engage and inspire our pupils.
  • allows time and space for creativity and imagination.
  • is outward-looking and uses environments and expertise beyond the classroom
  • has a local, national and global dimension 

How we implement our Curriculum

At the heart of our curriculum are core knowledge and skills. Each set of year group core knowledge and skills comes from the National Curriculum and our subject progression documents. The progression for each of our subjects can be found on the subject pages on the curriculum menu. These core knowledge and skills are added to with unit specific knowledge and broader themes that teachers will plan in to their units of work. Surrounding all this will be work we do linked to our school values.

Believe and Achieve Together’.

Is our school vision that is central to all we do and enables our children to succeed and exceed their potential.

Children are at the heart of all we do.

Because we value child-centeredness…

  • We make learning fun by planning exciting, engaging activities and lessons that are responsive to children’s interests.
  • We offer a wide variety of learning experiences and learning contexts, as part of a broad and balanced curriculum.
  •  We offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs.
  • We nurture individual talents.
  • We use accurate assessment in order to tailor our teaching to individual needs.
  • We take time to listen to children and give them a voice in decision making.
  • We encourage children to be imaginative and creative by allowing them freedom and choice.
  • We ensure that all children develop warm, secure relationships and feel a sense of belonging.


We place great emphasis on respecting ourselves, each other and other people within our school community and wider society.

Because we value respect

  • All members of our school community treat each other with mutual respect.
  • We are polite and well-mannered.
  • We celebrate diversity and foster understanding and acceptance of people of all faiths, races, gender, ages, disability and sexual          orientation.
  • We are inclusive of each unique individual and promote all forms of equality.
  • We have high expectations for the way in which we treat our property, resources and equipment. We maintain a tidy and orderly        school environment.


We encourage our school family to show compassion and to care and for other people and the world around us.

Because we value kindness…

  • We find out about local, national and global charities and support their work.
  • We embrace opportunities to ‘give something back.’
  • We provide opportunities for older children to care for younger children.
  • We do not tolerate bullying and act swiftly to eradicate it.
  • PSHE teaching helps children to develop empathy and understanding of the feelings and actions of others.


Teamwork is at the heart of what we do in school as part of our school vision we work together to believe and achieve together.

Because we value teamwork…

  • We work together to achieve our goals
  • We support others when things get tough
  • We learn and play together
  • We look out for each other and recognise that we can overcome challenges easier together


We recognise that sometimes things are tough but with our friends to help us we can overcome anything.

Because we value resilience…

  • We recognise when things are tough and ask for help
  • Everyone works together
  • Encouragement is given to our friends
  • If we find something hard we dig deep and try again
  • We try to overcome challenges


Having self-belief forms a huge part of our school vision. If we belief in ourselves, work together and try our best, we can do anything.

Because we value belief…

  • We work hard to overcome challenges
  • We support eachother when thingst are hard
  • We ovffer encouragement to our friends

Curriculum Maps