Starting school in Autumn 2025? Contact us on 01530 222489 to book a tour.
Starting school in Autumn 2025? Contact us on 01530 222489 to book a tour.
Thringstone Primary School

School Menu

We are proud to be using our working kitchen to provide our school dinners. The school kitchen is run by Leicestershire Food Support Services.

All children in Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible for free school meals under the Universal Free School Meals Programme.

School meals should be paid for in advance, preferably via Parent Pay.  Any money sent into school should be in an envelope or purse clearly marked with the child’s name, class and amount enclosed. 

Up to date information about the cost of school meals is available from the office.
School meals run on a three weekly cycle, click to view our menus:

Packed Lunch
Your child may bring a packed lunch together with a fruit type squash or milk drink in a screw top container if they wish. Children are not permitted to bring drinks in cans or glass bottles. They should not bring fizzy drinks to school. Water is always available.

Chilled water is available for the children at all times. We do ask the children to bring a small plastic bottle to school which can be filled during the day.

Many children bring a snack for break time. We encourage children to bring this in a container with their name on it. We prefer it if children do not bring sweets.

Through the National Fruit Scheme, children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 receive a piece of fresh fruit each day and do not need to bring another snack to school.