Starting school in Autumn 2025? Contact us on 01530 222489 to book a tour.
Starting school in Autumn 2025? Contact us on 01530 222489 to book a tour.
Thringstone Primary School


At Thringstone Primary School, we believe that religious education enables children to investigate and reflect on some of the most fundamental questions asked by people. Our RE curriculum enables us to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the major world faiths, and we address fundamental questions concerning, for example, the meaning of life and the existence of a divine spirit. We enable children to develop a sound knowledge not only of Christianity but also of other world religions. Children reflect on what it means to have a faith and to develop their own spiritual knowledge and understanding. We help the children learn from religions as well as about religions.

The objectives of teaching religious education in our school are to help children:

  • Develop an awareness of spiritual and moral issues arising in their lives
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other major world religions and value systems;
  • Develop an understanding of what it means to be committed to a religious tradition;
  • Be able to reflect on own experiences and develop a personal response to the fundamental questions of life;
  • Develop an understanding of religious traditions and to appreciate the cultural differences in Britain today;
  • Develop investigative and research skills, and make reasoned judgements about religious issues;
  • Have respect for other people’s views, and celebrate the diversity in society.

How is it taught?

At Thringtstone, we use enquire based learning that sets the children out to answer an overarching question. Using resources from the National Association of Teachers of Religious Education (NATRE), we devlier a broad and balanced RE curriculum that meets the requirements of the National Curriculum.

RE is taught weekly and children learn about a range of cultures and faiths making links to their own experiences. The curriculum is knowledge-rich and ensures children revist key concepts throughout their learning. This is set out in the long term plan.