information - thringstone
information - thringstone


Admissions & Appeals 2025 - 26

If you would like your child to attend Thringstone Primary Academy please click on the Admissions Policy image for full details of our admission arrangements in the current school year (2023-2024).

Thringstone Primary School has a capacity of 210 pupils and an admission number into each year group of 30. We admit pupils from Reception to Year 6.
There are 5 single aged classes and 1 mixed aged class (Year 3 and 4).

Applications need to be made to Leicestershire County Council School Admission Service on the Leicestershire County Council website. You can also make an appointment to have a look around the school with the Headteacher Mr David Chapple by contacting the school directly.

If you are applying for a place in our Foundation Stage Class (4+), please note that the closing date for applications is 15th January of the year your child is due to start. 

Admissions & Appeals 2024-25
Admissions & Appeals 2023-24

Accessibility Plan

It is a requirement under the Equality Act 2010 that schools have an Accessibility Plan. The Equality Act 2010 replaced all existing equality legislation, including the Disability Discrimination Act. This means that “schools cannot unlawfully discriminate against pupils on the grounds of sex, race, disability, religion or belief and sexual orientation”. 

According to the Equality Act 2010 a person has a disability if:
(a) He or she has a physical or mental impairment, and
(b) The impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. 

The Full Governing Body is responsible for ensuring the implementation and resourcing of the Plan and for reviewing the Plan. 

Thringstone Primary School is committed to providing an accessible environment which values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their education, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs. The school will also remove or minimise any potential barriers to learning allowing all children to achieve and participate fully in school life. Thringstone Primary School will challenge negative attitudes about disability and accessibility and developing a culture of awareness, tolerance and inclusion. 

The full plan can be downloaded below

Equality Information and Objectives

Public Sector Equality Duty
The Equality Act 2010 requires us to publish information that demonstrates that we have due regard for the need to:
• Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
• Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
• Foster good relations across all characteristics – between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it

Thringstone Primary School is an inclusive school where we focus on the well-being and progress of every child and where all members of our community are of equal worth.
We believe that the Equality Act provides a framework to support our commitment to valuing diversity, tackling discrimination, promoting equality and fostering good relationships between people. It also ensures that we continue to tackle issues of disadvantage and underachievement of different groups.
Our approach to equality is based on the following key principles:
1. All learners are of equal value
2. We recognise and respect difference
3. We foster positive attitudes and relationships and a shared sense of cohesion and belonging.
4. We observe good equalities practice in staff recruitment, retention and development.
5. We aim to reduce and remove inequalities and barriers that already exist.
6. We have the highest expectations of all our children.

Date of last review: January 2024
The full Equality objectives and Information document can be downloaded below

Equality Objectives and Information

Data Protection

Data Protection Information
Please find below all the information you need under General Data Protection Regulations that came into force 25th May 2018.

Our Data Protection Officer (DPO) is Gemma Patel, Parent Governor at Thringstone Primary School.  She can be contacted via email at

Special Education Needs

Each child is unique and has individual needs. They learn at different rates and reach milestones at different times and this process continues throughout lifelong learning.

In every class at school there will be children who may at some time during their school years have special educational needs (SEN) identified. These learning difficulties could be short or long term.

Schools work in partnership with parents to monitor their child’s development and, where there are concerns, take steps to help them to learn more effectively to maximise inclusion and opportunity for all children.

SEN Policy

School Information Report

Leicestershire Newsletter

Prevent Statement

Parent Leaflet about Prevent
Prevent at Thringstone Primary School

As part of our School’s ongoing Safeguarding and Child Protection duty of care for pupils and staff, we are fully behind the Government’s Prevent Strategy to safeguard pupils and staff from the risk of being drawn into terrorism.

From 1 July 2015, all schools have been subject to a duty under section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, in the exercise of their functions, to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. This duty is known as the Prevent Duty for Schools.

At Thringstone, our Prevent statement makes our commitment to this duty clear.

Provision- pupils enjoy a creative curriculum which includes a global and anti-racist approach to each topic enhanced by social, moral, spiritual and cultural opportunities and the promotion of fundamental British Values.
Respect is a key element of our school community ensuring that children and adults feel safe and confident to make choices with an understanding of the consequences of their actions on others.
E-Safety is central to our learning in a 21st century classroom and pupils are kept safe through filtering but are also taught how to keep themselves safe when using the internet.
Values – Our British Values underpin all we do at Thringstone Primary School and support our active promotion of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.
Elected school council members ensure that pupils have an active voice in school and help to shape the future of policy and practice through discussion, debate and a fair democratic process.
No - We say no to any form of hate incident. We believe that children should be given the opportunity to explore diversity and understand Britain as a multi-cultural society; everyone should be treated with respect whatever their race, gender, sexuality, religious belief, special need, or disability. Our pastoral care ensures swift action and targeted support for all members of our school.
Training – Staff are trained to identify risks and the processes involved in radicalisation. They are aware of the importance of early intervention and are committed to challenge any form of extremist behaviour. They know the routes for referral and key staff have completed the HM Government e-learning training on Prevent.

The PREVENT lead at Thringstone Primary School is Mr David Chapple, Headteacher.

For more information for parents, please visit or download the parent leaflet by clicking the image.


Anti-Bullying Policy

Anti-Bullying Leaflet
Cyberbullying Leaflet - Click here

Positive Behaviour for Learning Policy

Charging Policy

Complaints Policy

Exclusion Policy

Finance Policy

Health & Safety Policy

Lettings Policy

Policy for Looked After Children

Administration of Medicines Policy

Mobile Phone Policy

Online Safety  Policy

Pupil Premium Policy

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Remote Learning Policy
Home Learning
Remote Education Provision - Information for Parents

Safeguarding/Child Protection Policy
Safeguarding Leaflet for Parents

School Uniform Policy

Use of Social Media Guidance

Working From Home

Whistleblowing Policy

Attendance Policy